Updated 6 april 2024

This page is inspired by Derek Sivers and answers a very simple question:

What’s life like these days?


Today is the first real sunshine in 2024. Today seems to mark a turning point after months of rain and generally bad weather. Maybe the start of the real 2024? Anyway, our family is chugging along. I am still struggling with my PSC fatigue, but I am learning to deal with it. We bought a car! Well, we are still waiting for the financing to be approved, but it looks like we have our own car again after 2.5 years of ridesharing around the neighbourhood. We are slowly but surely improving the home. Furnishing, redecorating, making small improvements. After all these years of struggle, we’re making progress. It feels good. We decided to stay at home for the summer. It’s difficult to find a good time for the family to go on holiday, as our children go to camp in different weeks in the summer holiday. We decided to use the Christmas holidays to go abroad. It might be Sweden again….


In the last few weeks, my role has shifted towards having more time and energy to really work on growing the team. Not in size (yet), but in responsibilities, seniority, and our connection to other expertises within Kaliber. This was on our wish list, but we just never got around to it. Because I was taking too much work on myself within the projects where it wasn’t necessary or even productive. That has really changed and it feels so much better. Both for the team and for me.


I make a conscious effort to spend more time on me. Reading fiction and building kitbash toys. We still try to play D&D once a month, but with Tess’ exams coming up, we may have to skip a few weeks. I still try to go for a walk at least once a week. Now that spring has started, it might be easier to get out.

This page is part of the ’now page’ movement.